Idioms in 'Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter'

Hello, today I want to post idioms contained in 'Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter'

Here's the movie's summary

In the Nineteenth Century, the nine-year-old boy Abraham Lincoln witness the vampire Jack Barts sucking the blood and killing his mother. Years later, Abraham Lincoln seeks revenges against Jack Barts but he fails in his intent of killing the vampire. He is saved by Henry Sturges, who becomes his mentor and teaches how to hunt and kill vampires. Henry sends Abraham to Springfield to kill vampires. He gets a job and lodging in the store of Joshua Speed where he meets his black friend Will Johnson. Abraham also dates Mary Todd but keeps his vampire hunter business in secret. After killing Jack Bart, he calls the attention of the powerful and ancient vampire Adam. Abraham becomes a politician and the President of the United States, and sooner the leader of the Secession War against the vampires. - Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  List of Idioms :
- Beat you senseless
'to hit someone so much that they lose track of reality. Probably causing a concussion'
Myths don't beat you senseless
 - Leaving death in their wake
'to go somewhere new, leaving death behind you, that you have caused:
The vampires built an empire in the South. But, in recent years, they pressed north, leaving death in their wake
 - Pittance of salary
'tiny amount of money paid to someone or an inadequate sum paid for a job' 
My pittance of a salary doesn't allow me to deviate from your rules.
 - Don't stop to jaw with someone
'to lecture at someone; to talk endlessly to someone'
Well, perhaps if you didn't stop to jaw with every gentleman in Springfield  
 - Better oneself
'to improve one's social standing, financial position, or education'
I, too, came here to better myself
 - No way on earth
'Certainly not, never'
You knew that there was no way on earth that one man could stop it? 

By : Yunita Indriana  

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