Idioms Using Time

Hi there! Today I want to give you Idioms using word 'Time'. Here you go! :D

  1. to be behind the times
    to be out-of-date and old fashioned; to have old fashioned ideas.
    My parents are a little behind the times
  2. to keep up with the times (also, move with the times)to work to be modern, fashionable and up-to-dateI don't care if you think I'm old fashioned – keeping up with the times isn't important to me
  3. to have the time of one's lifeto have a very happy timeWe had the time of our lives on our trip to Africa
  4. to take one's time
    to spend as much time as one wants or needs to do something; to do something without hurrying
    There's no hurry. Take your time
  5. dead on time
    absolutely punctual.
    (Dead on time is a stronger way to say on time)The train was dead on time 
  6. to kill time
    to spend time doing something so that you are not bored while you are waiting for something to happen

    We have an hour to kill until our plane departs – let's go and have a coffee
  7. in the nick of time
    at the very last moment; seconds before it's too late
    I caught the train in the nick of time
  8. to be pushed for time  (also, to be pressed for time)to be in a hurry or to have little or no time to spare
    I'm a bit pushed for time this morning: can you iron my shirt for me. please?
  9. time on one's handsa period of time when you have nothing to do.I have a lot more time on my hands now that I have retired from my job
  10. to play for time
    to try to delay something until you are ready
    We can't afford to give him the money we owe him – we'll have to play for time

By : Yunita Indriana

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