Scary Idioms

Hello guys! I'm here to post again :D
Today, I want to share about 'Scary Idioms'. Take a look!

  1. witch-hunt
    to try and find and punish or harrass people with unpopular opinions, usually because they are said to be dangerous to others.
    He was the victim of a witch-hunt at work and was fired because of his radical ideas for developing the company
  2. skeleton in the cupboardsomething that might bring shame or embarrassment to a family or person if other people know about it
    She has a skeleton in the cupboard, not too long ago, she pregnant before marriage
  3. skeleton staf
    the smallest number of people needed to do a job.
    My local doctors’ surgery only has a skeleton staff at weekends
  4. a ghost townplace that has been abandoned and is no longer inhabited.
    All the young people have left our village and it’s like a ghost town now
  5. spirit away
    o spirit away something or somebody (or spirit something or somebody away), is to remove something or someone from a place quickly, secretly and mysteriously.
    According to legend, she was spirited away by witches in the middle of the night
  6. chill the blood (also, make the blood run cold)if something chills your blood it scares you
    The horror story chilled my blood
  7. out for one’s blood / after one’s bloodto be out for someone’s blood is to be determined to get revenge (used humorously)
    We beat them at basketball, and now they are after our blood
  8. put / stick the knife in
    to do or say something very unpleasant or very unkind to someone
    He really put the knife in when he told me that nobody at work liked me
  9. look daggers at
    to look daggers at someone, is to look at them with hatred or anger
    My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend looked daggers at me
  10. stab in the backto stab someone in the back is to betray them
    I gave him a job, a shelter, but he stabbed me in the back by telling lies about me to everyone
By : Yunita Indriana

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