What is hell?
In some religions, it the place where some people are believed to go after death to be punished forever for the bad
things they have done.
There’s so many expressions using hell, but in this opportunity I will tell
you ten of them.
Have snowball’s chance in hell
"to have no chance at all of achieving something"
I have snowball's chance in hell to pass the test
Scare the hell out of me
"to frighten someone badly"
When you opened the door, you scare the hell out of me
Until hell freezes over
You can talk until hell freezes over - I won't change my mind
Road to hell is paved with good intentions
"well-intended acts can have disastrous results"
She tried to help by defending Dad's position and they haven't spoken since-the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Quicker than hell
"very fast"
I will be right there quicker than hell
A living hell
"an extremely unpleasant place or experience"
Poor her, she had to be a substitute teacher in a living hell of a public high school
Hell on wheels
"to behave in an angry or difficult way"
When Ken is drinking, he was hell on wheels
Come hell or high water
"determined to do something, even if its difficult"
I will pick you up at the airport on time, come hell or high water
Hell on earth
"a very unpleasant situation, as if one were in hell"
That man made my life hell on earth!
There will be hell to pay
"There will be a lot of trouble if something is done or if something is not done"
There will be hell to pay if I can't do it in time.
By : Yunita Indriana
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